Get There
Car Free Challenge

Sept. 16-22, 2024

The 2024 Get There Car Free Challenge is a timely opportunity to drive less and use transportation options more for the chance to win prizes!

Join the movement by pledging to drive less for one week and logging trips taken by transit, walking, biking, scooter, carpooling, and vanpooling.

The final day of the Challenge, Sunday, Sept. 22, will celebrate the annual World Car Free Day event and the many benefits of driving less.

How to Participate

There are two ways to participate in the Get There Car Free Challenge. We encourage you to participate in both ways for a bigger chance to win prizes!

Take the pledge: Take the pledge to drive less during the week of Sept. 16-22.

Log your trips: Log at least 2 trips in Get There Connect taken by transit, walking, biking, scooter, carpooling, and vanpooling.

Get There Car Free Challenge Pledges


Participants have saved 0.0 pounds of CO2 from being emitted by driving less from Sept. 16-22.

Oregonians have pledged to drive less by:


Biking icon


Walking icon


Transit icon


Teleworking icon


Carpooling icon


Vanpooling icon

Log your trips

Sept. 16-22, 2024 

Log at least 2 trips in Get There Connect taken by transit, walking, biking, scooter, carpooling, and vanpooling for the chance to win prizes. Receive an additional entry for every trip you log after 2 (up to 12)!

Get started by logging into Get There Connect or creating an account. Visit our page for help on logging trips and using the tool.

The final day of the Challenge, Sunday, Sept. 22, will celebrate the annual World Car Free Day event and the many benefits of driving less.

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