Get There Oregon, launched by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and local partners across the state, helps commuters and employers shift commute habits and work practices one trip at a time.

Tap into resources and experts, plus Get There’s easy-to-use trip planning tool, Get There Connect. By using Connect, users can compare commute options, find a carpool, participate in challenges for the chance to win prizes, and track stats like reduced carbon emissions, calories burned, and more. 

RideAmigos, ODOT, ODOT grantees, Go Vets, and other entities promoting Get There Connect are not liable for any injuries or property damage that may occur as a result of travel plans or carpool matching related to the use of Get There Connect. Learn more about Get There Connect’s privacy policy and terms and conditions.


Contact us at or call 971-202-9758, or fill out the form below. 

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